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Performance Job Listing - Hertford, Hertfordshire - Choral Accompanist (rehearsals & concerts)

Hertford Choral Society seeks a new ACCOMPANIST.

Based in Hertford, HCS is a long-established choir of 120 members, presenting four concerts a year with professional orchestras and soloists, covering a wide repertoire.

There are approximately 36 rehearsals, on Tuesday evenings during school term time from 7.30 to 9.45 pm, plus a Thursday rehearsal before each concert.

The choir is accustomed to high quality professional accompanists and expects to pay an appropriate fee.

The start date could be either April or September 2013.

Closing date for applications: February 15th 2013.

Further information available from Mrs Jane Turner: accompanistpost@choral-society.com
See also the HCS website: www.choral-society.com.

View More Details - Choral Accompanist (rehearsals & concerts)

admin on January 12 2013 12:11:44

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