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Cheryl Thorne


United Kingdom BD10

Additional Info:

Hello Reader,

I was employed as an official accompanist for the Royal College of Music Junior Department. I was there for 8 years and was a pupil of John Barstow and Bernard Roberts for piano and Elizabeth de la Porte and Ruth Dyson for harpsichord.

My specialisms are Classical, Baroque and Renaissance music but I am happy to play most things. I am a mature student of music at University of Leeds where I am kept fairly busy playing continuo harpsichord, often from figured bass, with Leeds Baroque and other groups.

I have a particular empathy with string players and singers.


£ 15.00 Pounds Per Hour
Travel at £0.40 per mile
£15.00 per hour for rehearsals
£20.00 per hour for concerts/festivals, pro rata for childrens' exams


Piano, Harpsichord


Early Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment

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