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Maria Green


Colorado Springs
United States 80920

Additional Info:

I have been a piano accompanist for 25+ years. I have a degree in Music Education and received multiple scholarships as a pianist. I have accompanied vocalists, choral groups including university choirs, instrumentalists and church choirs. I have very strong sight reading skills and can play open score. I also worked as a choral director at the high school level form18'years. Many times I accompanied my own rehearsals , concerts and musicals since I could not find an accompanist that could handle the music literature I chose for my choral groups. I have chosen to work freelance for flexible hours.


$ 30.00 Dollars Per Hour
My rate could change based on the job. I have a piano in my own home for practice and a rehearsal venue.


Piano, Organ, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction

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