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Ben Cockburn

Ben Cockburn


United Kingdom LS2


Mobile Number: 07597081949

Additional Info:

Graduate from Leeds College of Music in Piano performance and freelance accompanist and music tutor. Throughout my training I have been involved in two accompaniment masterclasses under the direction of acclaimed singer Roderick Williams and Pianist Nico De Villiers.

I have worked as an accompanist in projects at the Jewish Community centre in leeds, with an audience of Dame Fanny Waterman. I have also worked in events raising money for Parkinson's disease, accompanying Classical Vocalists. I have accompanied with the LCoM Part-Song Choir, at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Leeds College of Music Camerata Orchestra and the New Music Collective. I most notably accompanied Viral flute sensation Azeem Ward during his UK tour in 2015.


£ 20.00 Pounds Per Hour
My base fee is £20 for an hours rehearsal. This is just under what I would charge to teach a student so I believe it is a fair rate to set, and one that has never been an issue throughout my time as a freelance accompanist.




Contemporary Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Direction

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