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Cheryl Thorne


United Kingdom NR25

Additional Info:

I studied at the RCM as a junior from 1971 and then as a senior student until 1981. I studied piano with John Barstow and Bernard Roberts and harpsichord with Elizabeth de la Porte and Ruth Dyson. I was employed by the Royal College as an accompanist for their students in exams and music festivals. The music of JS Bach is my greatest love but I always enjoy the opportunity to learn something new. My accompanying career began at primary school when 8 years old, being confronted with 4 part hymns which was a very tough way to learn sight reading but it has paid dividends in later life!


£ 25.00 Pounds Per Hour
Half hour sessions available for young pupils pro rata


Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Instrumental Accompaniment

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