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Connie Jahrmarkt


United States 85251

Additional Info:

Education: M. Music Ed. Stevens Point, WI; B. Mus. Ed. Heidelberg U, Ohio. Experience: Choral, Instrumental and vocal soloists, musical theater. My over 30 years of choral directing, orchestra directing, playing and teaching experience contribute to my skills as an accompanist and enhance my ability to follow direction and assist in rehearsal whether you are a conductor, student or professional performer. I am a good sight reader, but I prefer to prepare scores for performance.


$ 75.00 Dollars Per Hour
My fee is for the first hour. Additional time at the same location on the same date can be negotiated. Also built into my fee is that time that I will spend preparing the score(s) you provide before rehearsal.




Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Direction

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