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Ephraim Mosokotso


South Africa 2001


My Phone number is 07919330988

My email address is ephmosokotso1@gmail.com

Additional Info:

My name is Ephraim I am a Pianist Composer and a Music arranger playing Jazz Popular Music and Gospel Music .
I studied Music at Johannesburg Central College up until N3 Level then I went to Tshwane University of Technology Majoring in Jazz and Popular Music.


R 1000.00 South African Rand Per Hour
My accompanist fees can range from R 1000 to R 1500 depending on the number of songs and where the gig cud be at .


Piano, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Contemporary Music, Jazz, Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction, Vocal Coaching

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