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Konstantinos Galanis


Germany 04103


mobile: 004917632784166

Additional Info:

December 2011, Awarded with a ‘Master of Music degree’ and the ‘2011 University Lodge of Liverpool
Music Prize’, From the Association of Medical University and Legal Lodges, in recognition of excellence on the master of Music degree program.
October 2010-October 2011, Master of Music in Piano Performance, at the University of Liverpool, Music Department.
October 2008-September 2010, Piano Masterclasses with Professor Markus Tomas in Leipzig, Germany.
September 2007-June 2008, Piano Masterclasses with Professor George Hadjinikos in Athens, Greece.
June 2007, Piano Diploma with unanimously Distinction and second price award from Professor’s Elena Mouzalas Piano class at the National Conservatory in Athens.
March 2007, Piano Masterclasses with Konstantin Ganev at the National Conservatory.
April 2005, Resume Piano studies in the National conservatory, after a four years break followed by a serious injury in the left hand, and as a result an operation in May 2002, because of a car accident in September 2001, and after the obligatory Military services from February 2004 until February 2005.
August 2003, Piano Masterclasses with Professor Jean Francois Heisser at the Ionion University, Music Department.
June 1999, Participation in the First Oxford Philomusica Piano Festival.
September 1998, School certificate from sixth Piraeus-Lyceum.

Working Experience
September 2000-June 2007, Teaching Piano in private basis, and at the National Conservatory in Athens.
November 2001-September 2008, Trained and Worked as a Piano Tuner, and Piano Technician-Restorer in Greece.

Additional Qualifications and interests
Piano Technician.

English Lower certificate, German Niveau B1.




Early Music, Instrumental Accompaniment

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