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Laurin De Teige-Poydras

Laurin De Teige-Poydras


Atlanta, Georgia
United States 30316


770-842-5939 (mobile/cell), 404-622-0878 (home). I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Call anytime. If I'm busy or can't answer at the moment, please leave your message and I will contact you as soon as possible. Thanks...Laurin

Additional Info:

I have a large classical performance and teaching background in piano, accompaniment for musical theatre, choral ensembles, chamber and orchestral work. As well, my background includes performance and arrangements for gospel, r&b, rock,pop, hip-hop, rap and contemporary musical forms.


$ 50.00 Dollars Per Hour
This is a minimum fee and may be increased depending on the difficulty and preparation time involved. Actual performance time fees are negotiable starting at $200.00-300.00 minimum for relative brief performaces, i.e. under two hours. Beyond two-hours, a "package-deal" can be negotiated.


Piano, Organ, Electronic Keyboard


Contemporary Music, Jazz, Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction

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