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Logan Ferris ARSM (Dist.)

Logan Ferris ARSM (Dist.)


United Kingdom M14

Additional Info:

Logan Ferris is a current student at the University of Manchester reading music as a first study organist and a collaborative pianist.
Logan achieved a distinction in his ARSM Piano Performance Diploma, and has been the accompanist for many community/chamber choirs in his hometown of Worcestershire. He has also worked in schools offering classroom and private teaching to many young musicians.
Logan is now based in Greater Manchester, and works as a professional collaborative pianist and organist. He has performed in many recitals around the area, both as a soloist and an accompanist, and is Organ Scholar at Bolton Parish Church, playing the weekly services and other events such as funerals.

Logan has acted as repetiteur for operatic productions such as Handel's Samson, and Berlioz's Beatrice and Benedict, and has been assistant musical director and Keys 1 in pit orchestras for shows including Legally Blonde, High School Musical, We Will Rock You, Matilda Jnr. amongst others.


£ 25.00 Pounds Per Hour


Piano, Organ, Harpsichord, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre, Vocal Coaching

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