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Paulo César Vitor

Paulo César Vitor


João Pessoa
Brazil 59035-320




Additional Info:

Paulo Cesar Vitor was born in Natal - RN Brazil. In 2003 he entered the Bachelor of Music, studying piano under the guidance of Professors Adriana Oliveira and Maria Clara Gonzaga. He studied with various teachers of classical and popular area, among them Eduardo Tauffic (Brazil), Guilherme Rodrigues (Brazil), Luci Montssarrat (Canada), Paul Steinberg (US-Brazil). In 2005, he was awarded a full scholarship to the International Winter Festival of Brasilia, where he studied with pianist Ayami Ykeba (Japan-Austria). He has also performed as a soloist under the direction of maestro André Muniz, Luiz Carlos Durier and Rafael dos Santos. From 2008 to 2012, he was part of the Federal University of RIo Grande do Norte as a piano teacher and collaborative pianist. In the years of 2008 and 2009, he participated as a popular piano teacher in the Week of Music, organized by the same institution. Still in 2009, he participated of the 1st Macaíba Music Festival and The Jazz and Blues Festival, in the city of Guaramiranga, this last one is a leading festival of its kind in the country. Currently, he is a collaborative pianist in the Federal University of Campina Grande.


R$ 50.00 Brazilian Reals Per Hour


Piano, Harpsichord, Electronic Keyboard


Contemporary Music, Jazz, Improvisation, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Direction

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