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Prue Gibbs

Prue Gibbs


Australia 4102


I live in inner Brisbane, have studio at home; Contact 0411 506 529

Additional Info:

Prue Gibbs
Ass Dip Mus, Qld Cons. of Music, Brisbane, Queensland
Brevet de Musique de Chambre, Ecole Normale de Musique, Paris, France
Vocal Coach at Sydney Cons. of Music
Head of Piano, Ascham School
Repetiteur for Opera, Musicals
Accompanist for Concerts, Exams, Eisteddfoddau
Piano Teacher
Many years' experience as a musician


I charge $70 per hour for teaching private students, $50 ph for group classes, workshops, as rehearsal pianist: though this is always negotiable.


Piano, Harpsichord, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Contemporary Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction

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