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Rubia Santos

Rubia Santos


Lakewood, CO
United States 80228


To contact Rubia Santos go to "Contact" at http://www.rubiasantos.com/
or phone: 989-772-7972

Additional Info:

Pianist Rúbia Santos is among the most sought-after collaborative pianists from her home country. Rúbia has been praised as a performer “who leaves the audience stunned by her provocative pianism as well as her enthusiastic temperament” (Frankfurter Algemeine Journal).
She is represented with Virtuosi Produções Artísticas in Brazil. http://www.virtuosi.mus.br/

Rúbia's performances include the standard classical repertoire, yet she is strongly devoted to presenting works in collaboration with contemporary American and Brazilian composers. Rúbia is the con-founder of Duo Braziliana, with mezzo-soprano Melanie Ohm, promoting performances and educational presentations of works by South- and North-American composers. She has worked as collaborative pianist and coach at opera seasons in the US, Brazil, and Europe. In Brazil, her Duo is represented by Virtuosi Produções Artísticas- http://www.virtuosi.mus.br/

In 2012, Rúbia's edition of Eight Art Songs by Brazilian contemporary composer, Edmundo Villani-Côrtes, was published by Ponteio Publishing Inc. in New York. At that time she also released a publication of solo piano works by the same composer entitled, Eight Piano Pieces (Ponteio Publishing Inc.). A selection of Rúbia's performances of these solo pieces can be found on Youtube website under "Rúbia Santos, Villani-Côrtes."

Rúbia's recordings include “Moyugba Orisha” (White Pine Music Label) with violist Juan-Miguel Hernandez (Harlem String Quartet; “A Brazilian Collection” (Tijuca Label), with trumpeter Luis Engelke; and a recording of chamber works by American composer Jennifer Higdon (2010 Pulitzer Prize), which contain the premiere of Higdon's "Trumpet Songs" (Albany Records - February, 2013).

Rúbia's has taught and coached diction in languages in which she is proficient: German, English, Italian, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Rúbia has a great passion for the opera and art song genres and has worked at various venues, such as the Musikhochschule in Cologne (Germany) and at AIMS (American Institute of Musical Studies) Opera Program in Graz (Austria, besides at opera programs and universitites in Brazil and the US.

Rúbia's future engagements include performances at Off the Hook (OTH), a Colorado-based chamber music festival and at the Abiquiu Chamber Music Festival (ACMF) in New Mexico. More information on those venues can be found at http://www.projectchambermusic.org and http://abiquiumusic.com/.

Rúbia has collaborated with distinguished artists, among them, Christiane Oelze, Deborah Domanski, Laura de Souza, and David Dillard, The São Paulo String Quartet, violist Juan-Miguel Hernandez, saxophonist Jonathan Nichol (H2 Saxophone Quartet), violinist Miha Pogacnik, oboist Alex Klein, horn player Roberto Minczuk, trumpeter Cathy Leach and Luis Engelke, among others.

Rúbia earned her Artist Solo Diploma with distinction from the Hochschüle für Musik in Cologne, Germany, in the class of Günter Ludwig (solo piano) and the Amadeus Quartet (chamber music), while taking Liedbegleitung classes with Hartmut Höll (Fischer-Diskaus's collaborator). She holds a Master's and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in collaborative piano from Arizona State University, mentored by Eckart Selheim (collaborative piano), Caio Pagano (solo piano) and William Reber (opera). Among others who have contributed to refine her artistry are Dalton Baldwin, Hartmut Höll, Menahem Pressler, and violinist Chaim Taub. Currently, she is pursuing a certification in the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education, focusing on the application of it to musicians and other artistic areas.

Rúbia has held teaching positions at American Universities in the solo and collaborative piano areas, in addition to teach Romantic Music History and Diction. She has been a presenter, committee member and adjudicator for MTNA, The College Music Society and Mediterranean Studies Association.

For more information on Rubia Santos access:
http://www.projectchambermusic.org (Under Media)
Sample recordings: www.musicaudition.com
For Solo Vocal and Chamber Works search Youtube:
(Under Rubia Santos)


$ 65.00 Dollars Per Hour
In the Denver and metro areas, fees are subject to change. The mentioned fees include working as a collaborative pianist with advanced singers and instrumentalists in rehearsals and private lessons in the Denver area. Coaching sessions and diction classes are available for the mentioned fees. These fees will be adjusted according to rehearsal schedule needs and advancement of repertoire.


Piano, Organ, Harpsichord


Early Music, Contemporary Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre

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