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Sophia Tan


Canada V7A 4C9


604-512-9178 (cell phone)

Additional Info:

I've been a pianist for 34 years, a piano teacher for 22 years, and a violinist for a few short years. My passion is music and I truly enjoy helping others achieve their musical potential. I have a private music studio in my home in Richmond, BC, and have a flexible schedule to fit rehearsals, recitals, or examinations that you may be working toward.

I have an ARCT in piano performance, and am registered with the British Columbia Music Teachers Association (Richmond Branch). Although I enjoy performing as a soloist, I receive much more satisfaction working with others and helping them through their music studies.


$ 35.00 Canadian Dollars Per Hour
$30.00 per hour at my Richmond and Burnaby music studio locations.

$40.00 for each examination or performance in recital/competition




Instrumental Accompaniment

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