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Stephen DeCesare

Stephen DeCesare


United States 02919



401-751-3266 or 401-226-7810.

Additional Info:

I have been playing for over 30 years professionally for musical theatre, opera and church and Temple music and still active in all venues (theaters, colleges, churches, etc). Can sight read very easily. My most recent jobs were the pianist for Rhode Island College for their spring production and for their "dancing for musical theatre" classes plus playing for the beatification of John Paul II on a worldwide EWTN telecast.


The fees vary depending on location and time. For example, if it's a theatre gig, I usually get $75.00 (or more depending on distance) every time I walk in the door. Will travel for a gig.


Piano, Organ, Electronic Keyboard


Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Theatre, Musical Direction

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