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Tatiana Chukhray

Tatiana Chukhray


Russia 195256


My phone:+78125337835, mobil+79013065007,mail: chukhray@ mail.spbnit.ru
195256 Russia ,Sankt-Petersburg,Severnii prospekt 77/2, flat 99

Additional Info:

Tatiana Chukhray,38th years old, has the higer education(Sankt-Petersburgs conservatory)
My experience of work: accompanist,soloist, piano teacher-15years
Places of work:the state phillarmonic society(Kislovodsk 1994-2000 y.)
Beginning from 2000year, I am instrumental and vocal accompanist from Sankt-Petersburgs conservatory( on faculty of opera theatre ) and gives concerts in quality accompanist and soloist on conducting consert stages in S/Petrsburg.Iwas taking part in conserts tours in Finland, Germany,Belgiym, Holland... with artist of conservatory and Mariinski Theatre.I have awarded the diplom of international pianoforte competition.


R 800.00 Rubles Per Hour




Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre

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