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Tatsiana Samuilik

Tatsiana Samuilik


Russia 164616



Icq: 257328554


Additional Info:

My name is Tatsiana. I am 25.
All my life I learned to play piano and now, I do that very well.
During 1990-2000 I was studying at musical school on a piano class.

Then I has entered in musical college in my native city which has successfully finished in 2004.

After college I has entered the university, has graduated and has had an opportunity not only to be accompanist, but also the teacher on a piano.

During my studying I made great success. I am the participant of many competitions on a piano, including univercity's competitions.

At this moment (last three years) I work as the accompanist in a choreographic class. I select classical repertoire for children of various age, I play lessons, I work with soundtracks (using various musical editors).

Though I'm very interested in my work I still have a lot of other interests. I like to go to the theatre, read scientific books, watch informative programs on TV ("National Geagraphic" and "Discovery").

I'd like to make some things, by hand. I made wedding invitations by my hand. My flat look great, because I am decorating it all time. I like to work with video editors and to make movies.
So, I like creative work, to express myself in any work.


10 for the first half hour and 5 dollars for every additional half hour after that.




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