United States 95811
MIss Keene is currently the principal keyboardist for the Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra. United States Senator Barbara Boxer awarded Miss Keene the Certificate of Achievement for her 15 yrs. as principal keyboardist. Responsibilities: celeste, harpsichord, pipe and electric organ and piano. Rep: operas: Magic Flute & Turandot. Commissoned works: Dave and Chris Brubeck. Bachelor's and Master's of Music Degrees: San Francisco Conservatoryof Music. Concert pianist in Vienna and Switzerland and accompanist for 50 yrs. Numerous classical vocal and instrumental concerts. Sacramento Ballet Company pianist under Barbara Crockett; masterclasses of renowned flautist, James Galway, chamber musician, trios, piano quintets all instrumental duos; organist & choir director for 25 yrs. all denominations . Available for weddings, special elegant events, reception music. Oscar Peterson to Mozart in your home and select venues. Piano lessons ages 4 through 90 beginners through advanced. I LOVE PEOPLE AND MUSIC IS MY HEART!!