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Yining Zhang


Australia 5085

Additional Info:

Here is a brief introduction highlighting your piano accompaniment skills in English:


As a skilled and experienced pianist, I have developed a strong proficiency in piano accompaniment through years of dedicated practice and collaboration with a variety of musicians. My background in solo piano performance has provided me with a deep understanding of musical interpretation, which I bring into my work as an accompanist. I am adept at supporting soloists, choirs, and ensembles, ensuring that the musical collaboration is seamless and expressive. My experience spans a wide range of repertoire, from classical to contemporary, and I pride myself on being adaptable to different styles and performance settings. Additionally, my ability to listen closely and anticipate musical needs allows me to be a responsive and reliable partner in any performance.


$ 70.00 Australian Dollars Per Hour




Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Musical Theatre, Ballet Accompaniment

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