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Albéniz, Isaac

"Chanson de Barberine", Cinco rimas de Bécquer, Seis baladas, To Nellie

Alwyn, William


Argento, Dominick

"Diaphenia", “Spring”, “Winter”

Balfe, Michael William


Bantock, Helena

“Peer of Gods he seems”

Barber, Samuel

3 songs Op. 2, Despite and still Op. 41, Hermit songs Op. 29, “I hear an army” Op. 10 Nr. 8, “Le clocher chante”, “Nocturne” Op. 13 Nr. 4, “Nuvoletta” Op. 25, "Puisque tout passe”, “Sure on this shining night", “Tombeau dans un parc”, “Un cygne”

Bax, Arnold

"Roundel”, “The white peace", “Welcome, Somer”

Beethoven, Ludwig van

“Adelaide” Op. 46, "Ich liebe dich"

Bellini, Vincenzo

“Malinconia, ninfa gentile”, "Vanne, o rosa fortunata"

Bennett, Richard Rodney

“The mouse and the bumblebee”

Berg, Alban

Sieben frühe Lieder

Berkeley, Lenox

"Five poems by W. H. Auden", Nr. 2

Berlioz, Hector

"Le espectre de la rose” Op. 7 Nr. 2, “L'ile inconnue" Op. 7 Nr. 6, “Villanelle” Op. 7 Nr. 1

Bernstein, Leonard

“A Julia de Burgos”, “I hate music!”, “A big Indian and a Little Indian”

Bisell, Keith

"When you are old"

Bishop, Henry Rowley

"Home! Sweet home!

Boulanger, Nadia


Brahms, Johannes

"Guter Rat” Op. 75 Nr. 2, “Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer” Op. 105 Nr. 2, “Meine Liebe ist grün” Op. 63 Nr. 5, “O wüsst’ ich doch den Weg zurück” Op. 63 Nr. 8, “Ständchen” Op. 106 Nr. 1, “Von ewiger Liebe” Op. 43 Nr. 1, “Wiegenlied” Op. 49 Nr.4, “Wir wandelten" Op. 96 Nr. 2, "Zigeunerlieder” Op. 103, “Zwei Gesänge" Op. 91

Bridge, Frank

"Love went a riding”, “'Tis but a week"

Britten, Benjamin

"As it is, plenty", Cabaret songs, "Corpus Christi Carol", "Dear harp of my country!", "Départ”, from “Les illuminations”, “Fish in unruffled lakes”, “Gretchens Bitte" (completion of F. Schubert's lied), "I wonder as I wander”, “Let the florid music praise!", "O Waly, Waly”, “Parade” from “Les illuminations”, “Royauté”, from “Les illuminations”, Sechs Hölderlin-Fragmente, “The ash grove", "The last rose of summer", "The Lincolnshire poacher", "The plough boy", “The Salley gardens”, “Villes”, from “Les illuminations”

Butterworth, George

"Bredon hill", “Is my team ploughing?”

Bridge, Frank

“Love went a-riding”

Byrd, William

"I joy not in no Earthly bliss", "Why do I use my paper, ink and pen?"

Caldara, Antonio

“Come raggio di sol”

Canteloube, Joseph

“La delaïssádo”

Caplet, André


di Capua, Eduardo

“O sole mio!”

Cardillo, Salvatore

“Core’ ngrato”

Chausson, Ernest

“Chanson perpétuelle” Op. 37, “Le colibri” Op. 2 Nr. 7

Chopin, Frederic

“Melodia” Op. 74 Nr. 9, “Moja pieszczotka” Op. 74 Nr. 12, “Strumyk lubi wdolinie” Op. 74 Nr. 5

Clarke, Rebecca

"Infant joy", "The seal man"

Copland, Aaron

"At the river’, “Heart, we will forget him"

Dalla, Lucio


de Curtis, Ernesto

“Torna a Surriento”

Debussy, Claude

“Beau soir”, "C’est l’extasse”, Deux Romances, “Green", “Le tombeau des Naiades”, “Mandoline", "Nuit d’étoiles”, Proses Lyriques, Quatre chansons de jeunesse

Delibes, Léo

Les filles de Cadix

Delius, Frederick

“Twilight fancies”

Denza, Luigi


Dickinson, Peter

A Dylan Thomas Song Cycle

Ding, Shande

"My love gives me a sunflower"

Dohnnányi, Ernst von

"Was weinst du, meine Geige?", Op. 14 Nr. 1, "So fügt sich Blüt-an Blütezeit..." Op. 14 Nr. 2, "Ich will, ein junger Lenzhusar"Op. 14 Nr. 3, "Bergtrolls Braut" Op. 14 Nr. 4

Donizetti, Gaetano

“Il barcaiolo”

Dove, Jonathan

“Five am'rous sighs" I and II

Dowland, John

"Can she excuse my wrongs", "Come away, sweet love" "Time stands still"

Dring, Madeleine

"Blow, blow thou winter wind", "Five Betjeman Songs", "It was a lover"

Duparc, Henri”

"Chanson triste", “La vie antérieure”, “Le manoir de Rosamonde”, “L’invitation au voyage”, “Phidylé”, “Soupir”

Dvorák, Antonín

Gypsy songs Op. 55

Eccles, John

“Restless in thought, disturb’d in mind”

Elgar, Edward

“Speak, music”, Sea pictures

Esparza Oteo, Alfonso

“Dime que sí”

de Falla, Manuel

“El paño moruno", “Nana”, "Seguidilla murciana"

Fauré, Gabriel

“Après un rêve” Op. 7 Nr.1, “Arpège” Op. 76 Nr.2, “Cést l’extase…” Op. 58 Nr.5, "Chanson d'amour" Op. 27, Nr. 1, “Chant d’automne” Op. 5 Nr.1, “Clair de lune” Op. 46 Nr. 2, “En sourdine" Op. 58 Nr. 2, "Fleur jetée” Op. 39 Nr.2, “Green" Op. 58 Nr. 3, "Hymne” Op. 7 Nr.2, “La rançon” Op. 8 Nr.2, “Le papillon et la fleur” Op. 1 Nr.1, “Le pays des rêves” Op. 39 Nr. 3, “Les berceaux" Op. 23 Nr. 1, "Le secret" Op. 23 Nr. 3, "Les roses d'Ispahan" Op. 39 Nr. 4, "Le voyager” Op. 18 Nr. 2, “Lydia” Op. 4 Nr.2, "Mandoline” Op. 58 Nr. 1, “Nell” Op. 18 Nr.1, Poème d’un jour Op. 21 (“Toujours”, Nr.2: E and F minor),"Prison" Op. 83, Nr.1, “Puisque l’aube grandit” Op. 61 Nr.2, "Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés..." Op. 118 Nr. 4

Finzi, Gerald

“Come away, come away, death", "I look into my glass” Op. 19 Nr.4, “In years defaced" Op. 19 Nr. 2, "It never looks like summer” Op. 19 Nr.5, “Let me enjoy the Earth” Op. 19 Nr.1, "Rhapsody", from "Dies natalis", “The clock of the years” Op. 15 Nr. 8, “The phantom” Op. 15 Nr. 4, “When I set out for Lyonesse” Op. 15 Nr. 2

Franck, César

“Aux petits enfants”

Galindo, Blas

“Arrullo”, “Jicarita”

García Abril, Antón

Cuatro canciones sobre textos gallegos, Colección de canciones infantiles, “Ella lloraba por mí”, “Hasta los naranjales han florecido”, Tres nanas

García Leoz, Jesús

“A la flor, a la pitiflor”

García Lorca, Federico

“El café de Chinitas”, “Las tres hojas"

Gershwin, George

"Love walked in"

Gibbs, Armstrong

"The cherry tree"

Ginastera, Alberto

"Canción a la luna lunanca", "Canción al árbol del olvido", “Canción del beso robado”, Cinco canciones populares argentinas, Las horas de una estancia

Giordani, Giuseppe

“Caro mio ben”

Glyn, Gareth


Gounod, Charles

“Ave Maria”, "Au rosignol”, “Viens! Les gazons sont verts!"

Grainger, Percy

Willow, willow, willow

Granados, Enrique

“Amor y odio”, Canciones amatorias, “El majo discreto”, “El tra la la y el punteado”

Grever, María

“Despedida”, “Magic is the moonlight”

Grieg, Edvard

“Ein Traum” Op. 48 Nr. 6, “Gruss” Op. 48 Nr. 1, “Lauf der Welt” Op. 48 Nr. 3, Melodies of the heart Op. 5 , “Solvejg’s song” Op 23 Nr. 1, “Zur Rosenzeit” Op. 48 Nr. 5

Guastavino, Carlos

"Cita", "La rosa y el sauce", “Nana del niño malo”

Gurney, Ivor

"Down by the Salley gardens”, “Sleep”

“The fields are full"

Hahn, Reynaldo

"A Chloris”



Händel, Georg Friedrich

“In den angenehmen Büschen” HWV 209

Haydn, Joseph

"The mermaid´'s song"

Head, Michael

“A blackbird singing”, “Beloved”, “The ships of Archady”, “The estuary”, “When sweet Ann sings”

Henry VIII (attributed to)

Pastime with good company

Howells, Herbert

"King David", “On the merry first of May”

Holst, Gustav

“Margarete’s cradle song”

Horn, Charles Edward

“Cherry ripe“

Huang, Tzu

The three wishes of a rose

Ireland, John

"Baby”, Her song", "Newborn”, “The trellis"

Jonson, Ben

Have you seen the bright lily grow?

Koechlin, Charles

“Le voyage”

Larsen, Libby

Try me, good King

Lehmann, Liza

"If no one ever marries me,”“The lily of day", “There are fairies at the bottom of our garden”

Linley, Thomas

"No flower that blows"

Liszt, Franz

“Oh! Quand je dors”

Lysenko, Mykola

The Dnieper river rages

Marmarinos, Ion

“The horses”

McDowall, Cecilia

"Give me my robe"

Medtner, Nikolai

"Geweihter Platz”, “Serenade"

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix

“Das erste Veilchen” Op. 19 Nr.2, “Gruss” Op. 62 Nr. 3, “Neue Liebe“ Op. 19 Nr.4, “Winterlied“ Op. 19 Nr.3

Monteverdi, Claudio

"Laudate Dominum", from "Selva morale et spirituale"

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

"Abendempfindung" KV 523, "Dans un bois solitaire” KV 308, “Das Veilchen” KV 476, “Ridente la calma” KV 152

Musgrave, Thea

"Suite O Bairnsangs"

Nelson, Havelock

“Dirty work”

Niles, John Jacob

"I wonder as I wander", "My lover is a farmer lad"

Nin-Culmell, Joaquín

“A la jota”, “Alma, sintamos”, “Aria de Acis y Galatea”, “El amor es como un niño”, “El jilguerito con pico de oro”, “Minué cantado”, “Tirana”, “Tirana”

Owen, Morfydd

4 flower songs

Parke, Dorothy

"The falling of the leaves"

Parry, Hubert

“Jerusalem", "My heart is like a singing bird”

Plé, Bertrand


Ponce, Manuel

Cuatro poemas, Dos canciones, “Lejos de ti”, Tres poemas de González Martínez

Porter, Cole

“The tale of the Oyster”

Poulenc, Francis

"C", Fiançailles pour rire, “Hôtel”, “La reine de coeur”, ”Les chemins de l’amour”, “Sérénade”

Purcell, Henry

"Cupid, the slyest rogue alive", "Here the deities approve", "Hymn", "I attempt from love's sickness to fly", "If music be the food of love", "Music for a while", “Sweeter than roses”, “The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation”

Quilter, Roger

“An old carol” Op. 25 Nr.3, “By a fountainside" Op. 12, Nr. 6, Four songs Op. 14, “It was a lover and his lass" Op. 23, Nr. 3, "Love´'s philosophy” Op. 3 Nr. 1 (C, D and F major), “Now sleeps the crimson petal” Op. 3 Nr. 2 (F and Gb), “Weep you no more” Op. 12, Nr. 1

Rachmaninoff, Sergei

"Before my window Op. 26 Nr.10, “Christ is risen” Op. 26 Nr. 6, “Day to night comparing went the wind her way" Op. 34 Nr. 4, "Do not believe me, friend” Op. 14 Nr. 7,“Dreams” Op. 38 Nr. 5, “How fair this spot!” Op. 21 Nr. 7, “How long, my friend” Op. 4 Nr. 6, “In the silence of the secret night” Op. 4 Nr. 3, “Loneliness” Op. 21 Nr. 6, “Melody” Op. 21 Nr. 9, “No prophet I” Op. 21 Nr. 11, “Sorrow in springtime” Op. 21 Nr. 12, “The answer” Op. 21 Nr. 4, “The lilacs” Op. 21 Nr. 5, “The soldier’s wife” Op. 8 Nr. 4, “The twilight” Op 21 Nr. 1, “Vocalise” Op. 34 Nr. 14, “Within my soul (love’s flame)” Op. 14 Nr. 10

Radnor, Marvin

The flowers

Ravel, Maurice

“Chanson de la mariée”, Histoires naturelles, “Là-bas, vers l’église”, “La flȗte enchantée”, “Quel galant m’est comparable”

Rawsthorne, Alan

"Two fish"

Reger, Max

“Maria Wiegenlied”

Respighi, Ottorino


Rihm, Wolfgang

“Die Zahlen”

Rodrigo, Joaquín

“Adela”, Cuatro madrigales amatorios, "Una palomita blanca"

Rorem, Ned

“I will always love you”

Rossini, Gioacchino

"La Fioraia fiorentina", "Les amants de Séville"

Roussel, Albert

"Light" Op. 19 Nr. 1

Rubbra, Edmund

“A hymn to the Virgin”

Satie, Erik

“Je te veux”, "Le chapelier"

Schubert, Franz

"An die Leier" D737, "An die Musik" D547, "Am Flusse" D766, "Auf dem See” D543, "Auf dem Wasser zu singen” D774 (G and Db), “Auf der Brück" D853, “Auflösung“ D807, "Ave Maria (Ellens Gensang III)" D839, "Das Wirsthaus" D911 Nr. 21, "Der Atlas" D957 Nr. 8, "Der Doppelgãnger” D957 Nr. 13, “Der Fischer" D225, "Der Leiermann" D911 Nr. 24, "Der Musensohn" D764, “Der Tod und das Mädchen” D 531, “Der Sieg” D805, “Die Liebende schreibt“ D673, “Die Sterne” D939, “Erlkönig” D328, “Ganymed“ D544, “Gretchen am Spinnrade“ D118, “Gretchens Bitte“ D564, “Im Haine" D738, “Klärchens Lied“ D210, “Lachen und Weinen” D777, “Liebhaber in allen Gestalten“ D558, “Lied der Mignon“ D877 Nr. 2, 3, 4, “Mignons Gesang“ D321, "Nachstück" D672, "Rastlose Liebe" D138, “Seligkeit” D433

Schumann, Clara

"An einem lichten Morgen" Op. 23 Nr. 2, "Am Strande", "Die Stille Lotosblume" Op. 13 Nr. 6, “Ich stand in dunklen Trӓumen” Op. 13 Nr. 1, "Liebeszauber” Op. 13 Nr. 3, “Liebst du um Schönheit" Op. 12 Nr. 4, "Loreley", "”Sie liebten sich beide” Op. 13. Nr. 2, “Walzer"

Schumann, Robert

“An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust” Op. 42 Nr. 7, Dichterliebe Op. 48, “Die beiden Grenadiere“ Op. 49 Nr.1, "Die Lotosblume" Op. 25 Nr. 7, "Die Stille" Op. 39 Nr. 4, “Du bist wie eine Blume” Op. 25 Nr. 24, “Du Ring an meinem Finger“ Op. 42 Nr.4, "Frühlingsnacht" Op. 39 Nr. 12, Gedichte der Königin Maria Stuart Op. 135, “Im Walde" Op. 39 Nr.11, "In der Fremde" Op. 39 Nr. 1, "In der Fremde" Op. 39 Nr. 8, “Lied der Suleika” Op. 25 Nr. 9, “Lust der Sturmnacht” Op. 35 Nr.1, “Märzveilchen” Op. 40 Nr.1, "Meine Rose" Op. 90 Nr.2, “Melancholie” Op. 74 Nr.6, "Mondnacht" p. 39 Nr. 5, “Rose, Meer und Sonne” Op. 37 Nr.9, "Seit ich ihn gesehen" Op. 42 Nr. 1, "Schöne Fremde" Op. 39 Nr. 6, “Widmung” Op. 25 Nr 1, "Zwielicht" Op. 39 Nr. 10

Séverac, Déodat de

“À l’aube dans la montagne”, “Ma poupée chérie”, “Paysages tristes”

Sibelius, Jean

“Was it a dream?” Op. 37 Nr. 4

Somervell, Arthur

"Loveliest of trees", "Faint would I change that note"

Stanford, Charles

"O mistress mine", "The fairy lough"

Stevenson, Ronald

“Whan that the month of May is comen”

Strauss, Richard

“Ach Lieb, ich muss nun scheiden!” Op. 21 Nr.3, "All mein Gedanken"...Op. 21 Nr.1, "Amor" Op. 68 Nr. 5, "Das Rosenband" Op. 36 Nr. 1, ”Der Pokal” Op. 69 Nr. 2, “Drei Lieder der Ophelia” Op. 67, “Meinem Kinde” Op. 37 Nr. 3, “Morgen” Op. 27 Nr. 4, "Ständchen" Op .17 Nr. 2, "Waldseligkeit" Op. 49 Nr. 1, 8 Gedichte aus “Letzte Blätter”, Op. 10 (Middle voice)

Tchaikovsky, Piotr Illich

“Again, as before, I'm alone" Op. 73 Nr. 6, "As over the burning ashes" Op. 25 Nr. 2, "A tear trembles" Op. 6 Nr. 4, "At the ball" Op. 38 Nr. 3, "Bitterly and sweetly” Op. 6 Nr.3, “Cradle song" Op. 16 Nr. 1, "Does the day reign?" Op. 47 Nr. 6, "Don Juan’s serenade” Op. 38 Nr. 1, “I opened my window" Op. 63 Nr. 2, "My genie, my angel, my friend", "None but the lonely heart" Op. 6 Nr. 6, "Not a word, oh my friend” Op. 6 Nr.2, “Oh, if only you could” Op. 38 Nr.4, "Reconciliation” Op. 25 Nr.1, “The dreadful moment" Op. 28 Nr. 6, "The love of a dead man” Op. 38 Nr.5, "'Twas in the early spring" Op. 38 Nr. 2, “Why?” Op. 6 Nr.5

Tippet, Michael

“Full fathom five”

Toldrá, Eduard


Tosti, Francesco Paolo

“Marechiare”, “Non t’amo più!”

Turina, Joaquín

“Las fuentecitas del parque”, Poema en forma de canciones

Vaughn Williams, Ralph

"Bright is the ring of words", "Dream-land", "In dreams", “Love’s minstrels”, “Silent noon”, "Whither must I wander?", "Youth and Love"

Verdi, Giuseppe

“Il poveretto”, “Non t’accostare all’urna”

Villa-Lobos, Heitor

Aria (Cantilena)

Wagner, Richard

Fünf Gedichte (Wesendonck Lieder)

Walder, Gunter

“Wenn der Tod die Musik verschlingt”

Walton, William

"Daphne", “Old Sir Faulk“ , The Lord Mayor's Table , "Through gilded trellises“

Warlock, Peter

"Adam lay ybounden”, “My gostly fader”, “The fox", “The magpie“

Weir, Judith


Williams, Meirion

“Mai“, “Cwn Pennant“

Wishart, Peter

“Lament”, "The magpie", "The mountbank´s song", "The pessimist", “Tune for swans”

Wolf, Hugo

“Auf einer Wanderung”, “Das verlassene Mägdlein", "Elfenlied", "Gebet", "Geh', Geliebter, geh' jetzt!",
"Ich habe in Penna einen Liebsten wohnen", "Nixe Binsefuss", “Und schläfst du, mein Mädchen?”, “Wehe der, die mir verstrickte”

Young, Toby

"The fairy"


Adams, John

"Am I in your light?", from "Doctor Atomic" (Kitty)

"I am the wife of Mao Tse-tung" (Chiang Ch'ing) "Nixon in China" (Chiang Ch'ing)

Bach, Johann Sebastian

"Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen”, from St John’s Passion

“Erfreute Zeit im neuen Bunde”, from Cantata BWV 83

“Es ist vollbracht”; “Ich folge dir gleichfalls", from "St. John’s Passion"

"Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen", from Cantata BWV 51

From "Magnificat": "Esurientes implevit bonis", "Et exsultavit spiritus meus", "Quia respexit humilitatem", "Quia fecit mihi magna"

Balfe, Michael William

"I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls", from "The bohemian girl" (Arline)

Barber, Samuel

“Must the winter come so soon?", from "Vanessa" (Vanessa)

Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo

“Canción de Paloma”, from “El barberillo de Lavapiés”

van Beethoven, Ludwig

From “Fidelio”: “Hat man nicht auch Gold beineben” (Rocco), “O wär’ ich schon mit dir vereint” (Marzelline)

Bellini, Vincenzo

From “I puritani": "Ah! Per sempre io ti perdei" (Riccardo), "Qui la voce sua soave" (Elvira), “Se tra il buio un fantasma vedrai” (Duo)

From "La sonnambula”: “Ah! Non credea mirarti” (Amina), “Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni” (Rodolfo)

“Oh! Quante volte”, from “I Capuletti e i Montecchi” (Giulietta)

Berlioz, Hector

From “Béatrice et Bénédict” : “Ah! Je vais l’aimer” (Bénédict), “Comment le dédain pourrait-il mourir?” (Duo), “Je vais d’un coeur aimant” (Trio), “Je vais le voir” (Héro), “L’amour est un flambeau” (Duo), “Me marier?” (Trio), “Vous soupirez, madame!” (Trio)

“O blonde Cérès”, from “Les troyens” (Iopas)

Bernstein, Leonard

“Glitter and be gay”, from “Candide” (Cunégonde)

Bizet, Georges

From "Carmen": "Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante" (Micaëla), "L’amour est un oiseau rebelle-Habanera” (Carmen), “La fleur que tu m’avais jetée” (Don José), “Près des remparts de Séville- Seguidilla" (Carmen), “Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre” (Escamillo)

“Ne me grondez pas pour cela”, from “Le docteur Miracle” (Laurette)

From "Pêcheurs de perles": “Au fond du temple saint” (Duo), "Me voilà seule dans la nuit", from (Léila)

Boito, Arrigo

“L’altra notte in fondo al mare”, from “Mefistofele” (Margaret)

Britten, Benjamin

From "A midsummer night´s dream": "Puppet? Why so?", (Hermia), "Be kind and corteous" (Tytania), “When my cue comes, call me" (Bottom)

"As your Highness commands”, from “Gloriana” (Raleigh)

“Embroidery in childhood", from "Peter Grimes" (Ellen)

"How beautiful it is", from "The turn of the screw" (Governess)

"My heart leaps up with joy", from "Albert Herring" (Ms Wordsworth)

From "The rape of Lucretia": "Give him this orchid" (Lucretia), "How bitter of you” (Collatinus), “Within this frail crucible" (Tarquinius)

Catalani, Alfredo

“Ebben! Ne andrò lontana”, from “La Wally" (Wally)

Cavalli, Pier Francesco

"Dalle gelose mie cure", from "La Calisto" (Giunone)

Chapí, Ruperto

“Cuando está tan hondo”, from “El barquillero” (Socorro)

“Por qué mis ojos”, from “La Revoltosa” (Duo)

Charpentier, Gustave

"Depuis le jour", from "Louise" (Louise)

Cilèa, Francisco

“È la solita storia del pastore”, from “Larlesiana” (Federico)

“Io son l’umile ancella”, from “Adriana Lecouvreur” (Adriana)

Debussy, Claude

“Voici ce qu’il écrit à son frère Pelléas”, from “Pelléas et Mélisande” (Geneviève)

Delibes, Léo

"Flower duet", from "Lakmé"

Donizetti, Gaetano

From "Don Pasquale": “Bella siccome un angelo” (Malatesta), "Mi volete fiera?” (Duo), “Quel guardo il cavaliere" (Norina), “Tornami a dir che m’ami” (Duo)

From “L’elisir d’amore”: “Come paride vezzoso” (Belcore), “Esulti pur la barbara” (Duo), “Una furtiva lagrima” (Nemorino)

From “Lucia di Lammermoor”: “Il dolce suono” (Lucia), “Regnava nel silenzio” (Lucia), “Spargi d’amaro pianto” (Lucia)

"O luce di quest’anima”, from “Linda di Chamounix” (Linda)

“O mio Fernando!”, from “La favorita” (Leonora)

“O mio padre! Tu lontano”, from “Maria Padilla” (Duo)

Dove, Jonathan

"Cricket ghost aria”, from “The adventures of Pinocchio”

“Ev'rything's going to be fine", from "Flight" (Minskman)

"It’s my wedding”, from “The enchanted pig” (Adelaide)

Dvorák, Antonín

"Song to the moon", from "Rusalka" (Rusalka)

de Falla, Manuel

El amor brujo

Fernández Caballero, Manuel

"En Inglaterra los amantes", from “Los sobrinos del capitán Grant” (Duo)

“Romanza de Angelita”, from “Chateau Margaux”

Floyd, Carlisle

“Ain’t it a pretty night”, from “Susannah” (Susannah)

German, Edward

From “Merrie England”: “O peaceful England" (Elizabeth), "Who were the Yeomen of England, the Yeomen of England?” (Essex)

Gershwin, George

From “Porgy and Bess”: “It ain’t necessarily so” (Sporting Life), “My man’s gone now” (Serena), “Summertime” (Clara)

“Someone to watch over me”, from “Oh, Kay!” (Kay)

Giordano, Umberto

“La mamma morta”, from “Andrea Chénier” (Maddalena)

Gounod, Charles

From “Romeo et Juliette”: "Ah! Lève-toi, soleil” (Romeo), “Je veux vivre” (Juliette)

From "Faust": “”Salut! Demeure chaste et pure” (Faust), “The flower song” (Siebel), “The jewel song” (Marguerite)

Gluck, Christoph Willibald

From “Orfeo ed Euridice”: “Che farò senza Euridice” (Orfeo), “Che fiero momento” (Euridice), “Gaudio, gaudio son al cuore” (Trio)

Goossens, Eugene

"A fan may talk" (Inés), from "Don Juan de Mañara"

Guerrero, Jacinto

“La pena me hace llorar”, from “El huésped del Sevillano” (Raquel)

“Mi aldea”, from “Los gavilanes” (Juan)

Guridi, Jesús

“Lore eztitsuak”, from “Mirentxu” (Mirentxu)

“Sasibil, mi caserío”, from “El caserío” (Santi)

Händel, Georg Friedrich

From “Alcina”: "Di', cor mio, quanto t'amai" (Alcina), "Questo è il cielo de’ contenti” (Chorus), “Sta nell' ircana" (Ruggiero), “Un momento di contento” (Oronte)

From “Ariodante”: “Dover, giustizia, amor” (Polineso), "Neghittosi" (Dalinda)

“Dull delay, in piercing anguish”, from “Jephtha” (Hamor)

From “Giulio Cesare”: “Empiro, dirò, tu sei” (Giulio Cesare), “Non disperar” (Cleopatra), “Se pietà de mi non senti” (Cleopatra), “Son nata a lagrimar” (Duo), “Svegliatevi nel core” (Sesto), “V’adoro, pupille” (Cleopatra)

“Happy we”, from “Acis and Galatea” (Duo)

“I feel the deity within...Arm, arm ye brave!”, from “Judas Maccabeus” (Simon)

From “Messiah": "And the Glory of the Lord” (Chorus), “Hallelujah” (Chorus), “How beautiful are the feet” (Soprano), “I know that my redeemer liveth" (Soprano), "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion” (Soprano)

"Non ho cor che per amarti", from "Agrippina" (Agrippina)

"Oh! Had I Jubal´s lyre”, from “Joshua” (Achsah)

“O numi eterni”, from “Lucrezia”

From “Orlando”: “Amor è qual vento" (Dorinda), “Ho un certo rossore” (Dorinda), “Sorge infausta una procella” (Zoroastro)

“O that I on wings could rise”, from “Theodora” (Theodora)

“Revenge, revenge, Timotheus cries", from "Alexander´s Feast" (Timotheus)

From “Rinaldo”: "Lascia ch’io pianga” (Almirena), “Venti, turbini" (Rinaldo)

From “Rodelinda”: “Dove sei, amato bene?” (Bertarido), “L’empio rigor del fato” (Rodelinda), “Mio caro bene" (Rodelinda)

From “Semele”: "Hymen, haste! Thy torch prepare" (Athamas), "More sweet is that name" (Somnus)

From “Serse”: “Di tacere e di schernirmi” (Serse), “Ombra mai fu” (Serse), “Se bramate d’amar chi vi sdegna” (Serse), "Sogetto al mio volere" (Ariodate)

"Sì, tra i ceppi e le ritorte", from "Berenice" (Demetrio)

“Total eclipse”, from “Samson” (Samson)

Hoiby, Lee

“Bon Appétit!” (Full score)

Horovitz, Joseph

“Horrortorio” (full score)

Humperdinck, Engelbert

From “Hänsel und Gretel”: “Abendsegen” (Sandmännchen), “Abends will ich schlafen gehen” (Duo), “Brüderchen, kommt tanz mit mir” (Duo), “Der kleine Sandmann bin ich” (Sandmännchen)

Kálmán, Emmerich

“Grüss mir mein Wein”, from “Gräfin Maritza” (Count Tassilo)

“Heia, heia in den Bergen”, from “Die Csárdásfürstin” (Silva)

“Lichtreklamen, Riesenlettern”, from “Die Herzogin von Chicago” (Duo)

“Prince Radjami’s aria”, from “Die bajadere”

Lehár, Franz

From “Das Land des Lächelns”: “Dein ist mein ganzes Herz” (Sou-Chong), “Dich sehe ich, und nur dich sehe ich” (Duo)

From “Der Graf von Luxemburg”: “Ein Stübchen so klein” (René), “Heut’ noch werd’ ich Ehefrau” (Angèle)

From “Die lustige Witwe”: “Es lebt’ eine Vilja” (Sonia), “Hab’ in Paris mich noch nicht ganz so akklimatisiert” (Sonia), “Jetzt geh’ ich in Maxim’s” (Danilo), “Lippen schweigen” (Duo)

“Meine Lippen, sie küssen so heiss”, from “Giuditta” (Giuditta)

Leoncavallo, Ruggiero

“Vesti la giubba”, from “Pagliacci” (Canio)

Luna, Pablo

“De España vengo”, from “El niño judío” (Concha)

Mascagni, Pietro

"O pallida, che un giorno", from "L'amico Fritz" (Beppe)

“Son pochi fiori”, from “L’amico Fritz” (Suzel)

Massenet, Jules

“Celui dont la parole...il est doux, il est bon", from "Herodiade" (Salomé)

From “Chérubin”: "Dire que j’ai quitté Grenade” (Trio), “Enfin, je vous le dis…“(Trio), "Je suis gris!” (Chérubin)

“Je suis le chevalier errant”, from “Don Quichotte” (Don Quichotte)

From "Manon" (Manon): “Je marche sur tous les chemins” (Manon), “Je suis encore” (Manon), “Regardez-moi bien dans les yeux” (Lescaut)

"Sevillana”, from “Don César de Bazán” (Maritana)

From “Werther“: “Elle m'aime!...Elle pense à moi!..." (Albert), "Frère! Voyez!...Du gai soleil” (Sophie), “Va! Laisse couler mes larmes!", from "Werther" (Charlotte)

Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix

"Hear ye, Israel!", from "Elijah"

Menotti, Gian Carlo

"All that gold!", from "Amahl and the night visitors" (Mother)

“The sun has fallen and it lies in blood”, from “The medium” (Monica)

Meyerbeer, Giacomo

From "Les huguenots": "Nobles seigneurs" (Urbain), "Non, non, non, vous n'avez jamais" (Urbain)

Monckton, Lionel

From “The Arcadians”: "All down Piccadilly” (Simplicitas), "Half-past two" (Duo), "I like London" (Chrysaea), "The girl with a Brogue (Eileen)

Monteverdi, Claudio

"Disprezzata Regina", from "L'incoronazione di Poppea" (Ottavia)

"Lasciatemi morire", from "Arianna" (Arianna)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

"Che beltà, che leggiadria”, from “La finta giardiniera” (Belfiore)

From "Così fan tutte": “Ah che tutta in un momento” (Finale Act I), “Ah guarda, sorella” (Duo), “Alla bella Despinetta” (Sextet), “Come scoglio" (Fiordiligi), “E voi ridete? Certo ridiamo” (Trio), “In uomini, in soldati” (Despina), “La mia Dorabella” (Trio), "Smanie implacabili" (Dorabella), “Soave sia il vento” (Trio), “Una donna a quindici anni” (Despina), “Un’aura amorosa” (Ferrando)

From "Die Entführung aus dem Serail": “Ach ich liebte" (Konstanze), "Ich gehe, doch rate ich dir" (Duo)

From “Die Zauberflöte”: “Ach, ich fühl’s” (Pamina), "Bei männern welche Liebe fühlen" (Duo), “Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön” (Tamino), “O zittre nicht” (Queen of the night), “Papagena, Papagena, Papagena!” (Papageno)

From “Don Giovanni”: "Ah! Fuggi il traditor" (Donna Elvira), “Batti, batti, o bel Masetto” (Zerlina), “Dalla sua pace” (Don Ottavio), “Finch’ han dal vino” (Don Giovanni), “Là ci darem la mano” (Duo), “Madamina, il catalogo è questo” (Don Giovanni), “Mi tradi quell'alma ingrata" (Donna Elvira), "Non mi dir” (Donna Anna), “Or sai, chi l’onore” (Donna Anna), “Vedrai, carino, se sei buonino”(Zerlina)

"Exsultate, jubilate” KV 165

“Geh! Geh! Geh, Herz von Flandem!”, from “Bastien und Bastienne” (Duo)

From “Idomeneo, re di Creta”: “D'Oreste, d'Ajace" (Elettra), "Padre, germani, addio!" (Ilia), “Se il padre perdei” (Ilia), “Zeffiretti lusinghieri” (Ilia)

From "La clemenza di Tito": “Non più di fiori" (Vitellia), "S'altro che lacrime" (Servilia), “Se all’impero” (Tito)

From “Le nozze di Figaro: “Aprite un po’ quegli occhi” (Figaro), “Cosa sento! Tosto andate” (Trio) “Deh vieni non tardar“ (Susanna), "Dove sono” (Countess), “Hai già vinta la causa!..." (Conte), "L'ho perduta", me meschina" (Barbarina), "Non più andrai" (Figaro), "Porgi amor”, (Contessa), "Se vuol ballare" (Figaro), "Voi che sapete” (Cherubino)

Mussorgsky, Modest

Parassias' aria, from “The fair at Sorochyntsi” (Parassia)

Nicolai, Otto

From “Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor”: “In einem Wäschkorb?” (Duo), “Nun eilt herbei, Witz, heit’re Laune” (Frau Fluth), “Wohl denn, gefast ist der Entschluss” (Anna Reich)

Offenbach, Jacques

“Ah! Que j’aime les militaries”, from “La grande duchesse de Gérolstein” (Grande duchesse)

“Ah! Quel dîner!”, from “La périchole” (Périchole)

“Au mont Ida”, from “La belle Hélène” (Paris)

“Je prends un vase de terre”. From “Robinson Crusoé” (Trio)

From “Orphé aux enfers”: “Bel insecte à l’aile doré” (Duo), “Ce bal est original” (Galop infernal)

From “The tales of Hoffman”: “Belle nuit, ô nuit d’amour” (Duo), “Les oiseaux dans la charmille” (Olympia)

“This doesn’t look very much like the Indies”, from “Christopher Columbus” (Trio)

Philp, James

“The jewel of Asia”, from “The geisha” (Mimosa)

Porpora, Nicolo

“Alto Giove”, from “Polifemo” (Aci)

Puccini, Giacomo

“Chi il bel sogno di Doretta”, from “La Rondine” (Magda)

From “Gianni Schicchi”: “Era eguale la voce?” (Gianni Schicchi), “O mio babbino caro” (Lauretta)

From “La Bohème”: “”Che gelida manina” (Rodolfo), “Donde lieta uscì" (Mimì), "La banca di Francia” (Schaunard), "O soave fanciulla” (Duo), “O Mimì tu più non torni” (Duo), “Quando m’en vo’” (Musetta), “Vecchia zimarra senti” (Colline)

From “Manon Lescaut”: “In quelle trine morbide” (Manon), “Sola, perduta, abbandonata” (Manon)

“Nulla! Silenzio!”, from “Il tabarro” (Michele)

From “Turandot”: “Nessun dorma!...” (Il principe ignoto), “Popolo di Pekino…In dietro cani!” (Coro, Liù)

“Un bel dì vedremo”, from “Madama Butterfly” (Butterfly)

From “Tosca”: “E lucevan le stelle” (Cavaradossi), “Vissi d’arte, vissi dámore” (Tosca)

Purcell, Henry

"Fairest Isle", from "King Arthur" (Venus)

"Sound the trumpet", from "Come, ye sons of art away" (Duo)

"What power art thou”, from “King Arthur” (Cold Genius)

“When I am laid", from "Dido and Aeneas" (Dido's lament)

Rachmaninoff, Sergei

Aleko’s aria (Aleko)

Rameau, Jean Philippe

"Aux langueurs d'Apollon", from "Platée" (La Folie)

“Puisque Pluton est inflexible”, from “Hippolyte et Aricie” (Thésée)

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai

"Lyubasha's song", from "The Tsar's Bride" (Lyubasha)

“Snow maiden’s aria”, from “The snow maiden”

Rodrigo, Joaquín

“Mis celos echas a risa”, from El hijo fingido” (Duo)

Roig, Gonzalo

“Yo soy Cecilia Valdés”, from “Cecilia Valdés” (Cecilia)

Romberg, Sigmund

“The desert song”, from “The desert song” (Duo)

Rossini, Gioachino

“A la faveur de cette nuit obscure”, from “Le Comte Ory” (Trio)

From “Il barbiere di Siviglia”: “Ah, qual colpo inaspettato!” (Trio), “Don Basilio!...Cosa veggo!” (Quintet), “Dunque io son” (Duo), “Ecco ridente in cielo” (Count Almaviva), “Il vecchiotto cerca moglie” (Bertha), “La calunnia è un venticello" (Don Basilio), "Largo al factotum” (Figaro), "Una voce poco fa” (Rosina)

From “La Cenerentola”: “Come un’ ape ne’ giorni d’aprile” (Dandini), “Non più mesta” (Angelina), “Parlar, pensar, vorrei” (Sextet), “Siete voi! - Questo è un nodo avviluppato” (Sextet), “Zitto, zitto, piano, piano” (Quartet)

“O patria! Dolce, e ingrata patria!", from "Tancredi" (Tancredi)

“Serbami ognor sì fido”, from “Semiramide” (Duo)

“Sois immobile”, from “Guillaume Tell” (Guillaume)

From “Stabat Mater”: “Cujus animam”, "Fac ut portem Christi mortem”

“Ti presento di mia man”, from “L’italiana in Algeri” (Quintet)

Saint-Saëns, Camille

“Mon coeur s’ouvre à ta voix”, from “Sanson et Dalila” (Dalila)

Serrano, José

“Qué me importa que no venga”, from “Los claveles” (Rosa)

Smetana, Bedrich

From "The bartered bride": “Kdybych se co takového” (Marenka), "Jak možná verit" (Jeník), "Ten lasky sen"(Marenka)

Sorozábal, Pablo

From “Entre Sevilla y Triana”: "Las mositas de estos tiempos" (Micaela), “Qué graciosos sois los hombres" (Duo)

Straus, Oscar

“In meinem Leben sah ich nie einen Helden”, from “Der tapfere Soldat” (Duo)

Strauss, Johann

“Ach, wie so herrlich zu schau’n”, from “ Eine Nacht in Venedig” (Caramello)

From “Die Fledermaus”: “Brüderlein und Schwesterlein“ (Septet), “Dieser Anstand, so manierlich” (Duo), “Ich lade gern mir Gäste ein” (Orlofsky), “Im Feuerstrom der Reben" (Trio), "Klänge der Heimat” (Rosalinde), “Kommt mit mir zu Souper” (Duo), “Mein Herr Marquis” (Adele), “So muss allein ich bleiben” (Trio)

“Just sind es vier-und-zwanzig Jahre”, from “Der Zigeunerbaron” (Mirabella)

Strauss, Richard

“Aber der Richtige wenn´s einen gibt“, from “Arabella“ (Duo)

"Ah! Du wolltest mich", from "Salome" (Salome)

Stravinsky, Igor

“Come, Master, observe the host of mankind”, from “The rake’s progress” (Nick Shadow)

Sullivan, Arthur

“Climbing over rocky mountain”, from “Thespis” (Nicemis and Daphne)

From “Haddon Hall": "My name it is McCrankie" (McCrankie), "There's no one by" (Duo)

From "HMS Pinafore”: “A British tar" (Trio), "A maiden fair to see” (Ralph), “I’m called Litlle Buttercup” (Mrs Cripps), “My gallant crew, good morning" (Captain Corcoran), "Never mind the why and wherefore” (Trio), “Oh joy, oh rapture unforeseen!” (Finale), “Refrain, audacious tar” (Duo), “Sir Joseph's barge is seen" (Chorus), "The hours creep on apace” (Josephine), "We sail the ocean blue" (Chorus)

From “Iolanthe”: “If you go in” (Trio), "If we're weak enough to tarry" (Duo), "In vain to us you plead" (Quartet), "Iolanthe! From thy dark exile thou art summoned" (Quartet and chorus), “It may not be" (Duo and chorus), "Loudly let the trumpet bray" (Chorus), "Love unrequited, robs me of my rest” (Lord Chancellor), “My Lord, a suppliant at your feet" (Iolanthe), "My well-loved lord" (Trio), "Nay, tempt me not (Phyllis), "None shall part us from each other" (Duo), "O foolish fay” (Queen), "Soon as we may, off and away" (Ensemble), "Spurn not the nobly born" (Lord Tolloller), "Strephon's a member of Parliament" (Chorus), "The law is the true embodiment" (Lord Chancellor), "Tripping hither, tripping thither" (Chorus), "When all night long a chap remains" (Private Willis), "When Britain really ruled the waves" (Lord Mountararat), "When darkly looms the day" (Finale Act I)

“Patience” (Full score)

From “Pirates of Penzance”: "Away, away! My heart’s on fire” (Trio), “Climbing over rocky mountain" (Chorus), "I am the very model of a modern major General” (Major-General), “Oh, better far to live and die” (Pirate king), “Stay, Fredric, stay!” (Duo), “When the foeman bares his steel" (Trio and chorus), "When you had left our pirate fold” (Trio)

From “Princess Ida”: “A lady fair, of lineage high" (Psyche), "I am a maiden” (Trio), “I built upon a rock” (Princess), “Now wouldn’t you like to rule the roast” (Duo), “O goddess wise” (Princess), “The world is but a broken toy” (Quartet), “This helmet, I suppose" (Arac), "We are warriors three" (Trio), "Would you know the kind of maid” (Cyril)

From “Ruddigore”: “Cheerily carols the lark” (Margaret), “I know a youth” (Duo), “I shipp’d d’ye see” (Jack), "My eyes are fully open” (Trio), “Painted emblems of a race” (Chorus and duo), “Sir Rupert Murgatroyd” (Chorus), “The battle’s roar is over” (Duo), “When the night wind howls” (Sir Roderic)

From “The emerald isle”: “If you wish to appear as an Irish type” (Bunn), "On the heights of Glantaun" (Trio)

From “The Gondoliers”: “Here is a fix unprecedented" (Quintet and chorus), "In a contemplative fashion” (Quartet), “List and learn” (Chorus), “Take a pair of sparkling eyes” (Marco), “Then one of us will be a Queen” (Quartet), “Try we life-long” (Quintet), “We’re called gondolieri” (Duo), “When a merry maiden marries” (Tessa)

From “The Grand Duke”: “Come, bumpers-aye" (Baroness), “If the light of love’s lingering ember” (Julia), “Take my advice when deep in debt” (The Prince of Monte Carlo)

From “The Mikado”: “Alone and yet alive” (Katisha), “As some day it may happen” (Ko-Ko), “A wand’ring minstrel I” (Nanki-Pooh), “Brightly dawns our wedding day” (Quartet), “There is beauty in the bellow of the blast” (Duo), “Three little maids from school are we” (Trio)

From “The rose of Persia”: “A bridal march the funeral dirge becomes”, “’Neath my lattice” (Rose-in-Bloom)

"The Sorcerer" (Full score)

"The windlass ply", from "On shore and sea"

From “The yeomen of the guard”: “A man who would woo a fair maid” (Trio), “Strange adventure!” (Quartet), “’Tis done, I am a bride” (Elsie), “When a wooer goes a-wooing" (Quartet), “When our gallant Norman foes” (Dame Carruthers)

From “Trial by jury”: "Hark! The hour of ten is sounding" (Chorus), "When first my old, old love I knew" (Defendant)

From “Utopia, Limited”: “Although of native maids the cream” (Duo), “A tenor, all singers above” (Captain Fitzbattleaxe), “A wonderful joy our eyes to bless" (Mr Goldbury), "Bold faced ranger” (Lady Sophy), “Society has quite forsaken” (King), "Then I may sing and play" (Quartet), "There's a little group of isles beyond the wave" (Zara and King)

Swann, Donald

In the D'Oyly cart

Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilich

From "Eugene Onegin": "Ah, Tanya, Tanya!" (Olga), “Lyubvi vse vozrasty pokorny” (Prince Gremin), “You wrote me a letter” (Onegin)

"Gde zhe ty, moi zhelennnyi”, from “The enchantress” (Kuma)

From "Iolanta": "Atchevo eta prezhde ne znala" (Iolanta), “Kto možet sravnit’sja s Matil’doj moej" (Robert)

“Maria's aria", from "Mazeppa" (Maria)

“Padrugi milije", from "Pique Dame" (Polina)

Vaughan Williams, Ralph

Hugh's song of the road, from "Hugh the Drover"

Verdi, Giuseppe

From “Don Carlo”: “Dio, che nell’alma infondere” (Duo), “Per me giunto” (Rodrigo)

From “La forza del destino”: "Pace, pace mio Dio” (Leonora), "Son Pereda" (Don Carlo)

From “La traviata”: “Ah! Dite alla giovine” (Duo), “De’ miei bollenti spiriti” (Alfredo), “Libiamo ne’ lieti calici” (Duo), “Parigi, o cara” (Duo), "Sempre libera" (Violetta)

From “MacBeth”: “Che faceste? Dite su!” (Chorus), “Perfidi! All’ Anglo contro me v’unite!” (MacBeth)

“Mercè, dilette amiche”, from “I vespri siciliani” (Elena)

“Mia madre aveva una povera ancella”, from “Otello” (Desdemona)

From “Nabucco”: “Chi mi toglie il regio scettro?”, (Nabucco), “Donna, chi sei?” (Duo), “S’appressan gl’istanti” (Quintet), “Va pensiero” (Chorus)

From “Rigoletto”: “Bella figlia" (Quartet), “Caro nome” (Gilda), “Figlia! Mio padre!” (Duo),
"La donna è mobile” (Duke of Mantua), “Questa o quella” (Duke of Mantua)

From “Simon Boccanegra”: “Come in quest’ora bruna” (Amelia), “Plebe! Patrizi! Popolo dalla feroce storia!” (Doge)

“Sul fil d’un soffio etesio”, from “Falstaff” (Nanetta)

“Tace la notte placida”, from “Il trovatore” (Leonora)

“Tardo per gli anni, e tremulo”, from “Attila” (Duo)

Vivaldi, Antonio

"Domine Deus”, from “Gloria” RV 589

“Sonno se pur sei", from "Tito Manlio" (Manlio)

Wagner, Richard

“Dich, theure Halle”, from “Tannhäuser” (Elisabeth)

“Du bist der Lenz“, from “Die Walküre“ (Sieglinde)

“Weiche, Wotan!”, from “Das Rheingold” (Erda)

Walton, William

"How can I sleep?", from "Cressida and Troilus" (Cressida)

“I was a constant faithful wife”, from “The bear” (Popova)

Zeller, Carl

“Schenkt man sich Rosen in Tirol”, from “Die Vogelhändler” (Marie)

“Sei nicht bös”, from “Der Obersteiger” (Martin)


Arlen, Harold/Harburg, E.Y.

“The wizard of Oz” (Full score)

Bart, Lionel

“Oliver!” (Full score)

Berlin, Irving

“I can do anything better than you”, from “Annie get your gun”

Bernstein, Leonard

From “West Side story”: “Maria”, “One hand, one heart”, “Somewhere”

Bock, Jerry

“Vanilla ice cream”, from “She loves me”

Coward, Noël

“Mrs. Worthington”

Finn, William

“My unfortunate erection”, from “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee”

Flaherty, Stephen

“Once upon a December”, from “Anastasia”; “On this island” (Full score)

Lloyd Webber, Andrew

“High flying, adored”, from “Evita”

“The phantom of the opera” (Full score)

Loewe, Frederick

From “My fair lady”: “I could have danced all night”, “The street where you live”

Lopez/Marx, Robert/Jeff

“Avenue Q” (Full score)

Margoshes, Steve

“Fame” (Full score)

Menken, Alan

“Little shop of horrors” (Full score)

Minchin, Tim

“Matilda” (Full score)

Novello, Ivor

“And her mother came too!”, “I can give you the starlight”, from “The dancing years”

Sondheim, Stephen

From “Company”: “Side by side by side/What would we do without you?”

From “Into the woods”: “Stay with me”

From “Merrily we roll along”: “Old friends”

From “Saturday night”: “What more do I need?”

“Sweeney Todd”’s overture

Wildhorn, Frank

“Someone like you”, from “Jekyll & Hyde”



Hummel, Bertold

Sonatine Op. 59

von Weber, Carl Maria

 Concerto in F major Op. 75


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Sonata in G BWV 1027

Sonata in D BWV 1028

Beethoven, Ludwig van  

Sonata Op.69 in A major  

12 Variations on a theme from the Handel Oratorio “Judas Maccabäus” WoO 45  

Brahms, Johannes

Sonata Nr. 1 in E minor Op. 38 (First movement)

Cassadó, Gaspar



Delius, Frederick


Eccles, John

Sonata Nr. 8

Fauré, Gabriel

Élégie Op. 24

Second sonata Op. 117  

Franck, César

Sonata in A

Haydn, Joseph  

Concerto in C major, Hob. VIIb, Nr.1

Concerto in D major, Hob. VIIb, Nr. 2 (First movement)  

Klengel, Julius  

“Concert Piece” in D minor Op. 10  

Lalo, Édouard  

Concerto Nr. 1 in D minor  

Lindberg, Magnus

Dos coyotes

Nin, Joaquín

Seguida española

Paganini, Niccolò

“Variations on one string on a theme by Rossini”

Purcell, Henry

A new ground

Slow air, from "The virtuous life"

Rachmaninoff, Sergei  

Sonata Op. 19 (Third movement)

"Vocalise" Op. 34, Nr. 14

Roxburgh, Edwin

Sonata for cello and piano (Second movement)

Saint-Saëns, Camille  

Allegro Appassionato Op. 43

Schumann, Robert  

"Fantasiestücke" Op. 73

Sibelius, Jean

Impromptu Op. 78, Nr. 1

Romance Op. 78, Nr. 2

Stamitz, Karl  

Concerto in C major  

Strauss, Franz  

Nocturno Op. 7  

Vivaldi, Antonio  

Concerto for two cellos in G minor, PV 411  

Sonata Nr. 5 in E minor, RV 40

Walton, William

Allegro appasionato, from Concerto for violoncello and orchestra


Bliss, Arthur  


Brahms, Johannes  

Sonata in E flat major Op. 120 Nr. 2  

Trio for clarinet, cello and piano Op. 114

Debussy, Claude  

First Rhapsody for clarinet and piano  

Franco, Miguel  

Suite 5 Op. 63

Lefèvre, Xavier

7th Sonata  

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus  

Clarinet Quintet KV 581 (Second movement)

Sonatina in Bb major  

Pierné, Gabriel  

Piece in G minor

Poulenc, Francis

Sonata for clarinet and piano (First movement)

Schumann, Robert  

"Fantasiestücke" Op. 73  

Weber, Carl Maria von  

Concerto Nr. 2 in Eb major  

Double bass

Saint-Saëns, Camille  

“Elephant” from “The Carnival of the animals”  


Bach, Carl Philipp Emmanuel

Sonata in G minor BWV 1020 (First movement)

Berkeley, Lennox  

Sonatina for Treble Recorder (or Flute) and Piano Op. 13  

Dvorák, Antonín


Gaubert, Philippe  


Nocturne and Allegro scherzando  

Grovlez, Gabriel  

“Romance et Scherzo”  

Harty, Hamilton  

In Ireland  


Sonata (Second and third movements)

Liebermann, Lowell

 Sonata Op. 23 (First movement)

Mancini, Francesco

“Allegro” from Sonata Nr. 1 in D minor

Mozart, Wofgang Amadeus

Concerto Nr. 1 in G major KV 313  

Concerto Nr. 2 in D major KV 314  

Najfar, Reza  

La Persienne  

Poulenc, Francis  

Sonata for flute and piano  

Prokofieff, Sergei  

Sonata for flute and piano Nr.2, Op. 94  

Quantz, Johann Joachim  

Concerto in G major QV 5:174  

Rodney Bennett, Richard  

Summer Music

Roussel, Albert  

“Joueurs de Flûte” Op. 27

Shostakovich, Dmitri  

Polka, from "The golden age"  

Widor, Charles-Marie

Suite Op. 34 (First movement)


Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario  

Concerto in Re Op. 99  

Ponce, Manuel  

“Concierto del Sur”

Rodrigo, Joaquin  

“Concierto de Aranjuez”


Rota, Nino

Concerto per arpa e orchestra


Danzi, Franç

Sonata for pianoforte 

Nielsen, Carl

Canto serioso

Strauss, Franz

Nocturne Op. 7  

Strauss, Richard 

Concerto Nr.1 in Eb major Op. 11


Beethoven, Ludwig van

Andante with variations WoO 44b


Howells, Herbert

Sonata for oboe and piano

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Concerto in C major KV 314 (First movement)

Poulenc, Francis

Sonata for oboe and piano


Schumann, Robert

Concerto in A minor Op. 54

Prokofieff, Sergei

Concerto Nr. 3 in C major Op. 26 (First movement)

Piano duet

Fauré, Gabriel

Masques et bergamasques

Holst, Gustav

"Jupiter", from "The planets"

"Mars", from "The planet"

"Neptune", from "The planets"

Rachmaninoff, Sergei

"Vocalise" Op. 34, Nr. 14

Ravel, Maurice

La Valse


Bennett, Richard Rodney

“Samba triste”, from Three Piece Suite

Movt III, from Sonata

Cowles, Colin

Of Spain

Demersseman, Jules

Premier solo

German, Edward

Pastorale and Bourrée

Händel, Georg Friedrich

Sonata Nr. 3

Iturralde, Pedro

“Suite Hellénique”

Heiden, Bernhard


Ravel, Maurice

“Pièce en forme de habanera”

Scott, Andy

“Respectfully yours”

Strings trio

Debussy, Claude

Trio Nr. 1 in G major for violin, cello and piano

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Trio for violin, cello and piano in B flat major KV 502

Turina, Joaquin

Trio Nr. 1 for violin, cello and piano Op. 35


Bozza, Eugène

Ballade Op. 62

Castérède, Jacques


David, Ferdinand

Concertino Op. 4

Guilmant, Alexandre

Morceau Symphonique

Hummel, Bertold

Sonatine Op. 59

Jörgensen, Axel

Romance Op. 21

Larsson, Lars-Erik

Concertino Op. 45, Nr. 7

Lebedev, Alexander

Concerto in one movement

Rimsky-Kórsakov, Nikolai

Concerto in Bb major

Saint-Saëns, Camille

Cavatine Op. 144

Sandström, Jan

Sang till Lotta

Stojowski, Sigismond


Sulek, Stjepan

Sonata (Vox Gabrieli)


Aagaard-Nilsen, Torstein

Elegy for broken hearts

Balay, Gillaume

“Pièce de concours”

Bernstein, Leonard

Rondo for Lifey

Boughton, Rutland

Trumpet concerto (First movement)

Bozza, Eugène


Charlier, Théo

Solo de Concours

Goedicke, Alexander

Concert Study Op. 49

Hansen, Thorvald

Sonata Op. 18

Höhne, Carl

Slavic Fantasia

Hubeau, Jean


Hummel, Johann Nepomuk

Concerto in Eb major

Greene, Maurice

Trumpet tune

Grieg, Edvard

“Album Leaf” from Lyric Pieces Op. 12


Hindemith, Paul

Sonata for tuba and piano (First movement)

Lebedev, Alexander

Concerto in one movement 


Brahms, Johannes

Trio for viola, cello and piano Op. 114

Bowen, Edwin York

Concerto in C minor (First movement)

Bruch, Max

Romance Op. 85

Glinka, Mikhail

Sonata in D minor

Hindemith, Paul


Hoffmeister, Franz Anton

Concerto in D major

Hummel, Bertold

Sonatine Nr. 1 Op. 35b

Hummel, Johann Nepomuk

Fantasy for viola and strings orchestra

Schumann, Robert

"Märchenbilder” Op. 113, Nr. 4

Stamitz, Karl

Concerto in D major, Op. 1

Telemann, Georg Philipp

Concerto in G TWV 51 (First and second movements)

Vaughan Williams, Ralph

“Christmas Dance”, from Suite for viola and orchestra


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Concerto in A minor BWV 1041 (First movement)

Concerto for two violins in D minor BWV 1043

Beethoven, Ludwig van

Sonata in D major Op. 12, Nr.1

Sonata in F major Op. 24 (First movement)

Sonata in C minor Op. 30, Nr. 2 (First movement)

Brahms, Johannes

Hungarian dance Nr. 5

Sonata in G major Op. 78

Bruch, Max

Concerto in G minor (First movement)

Copland, Aaron

“Hoe-Down", from the ballet “Rodeo”

Debussy, Claude

Sonata Nr. 3 (First movement)

Dvorák, Antonín

Sonatine Op. 100 (First and fourth movements)

Elgar, Edward

Salut d’Amour Op. 12

Fiocco, Gioseffo Hectore

“Allegro” in G

Franck, César

Sonata in A

Haydn, Joseph

Concerto in GVIIa/4 (First movement)

Ireland, John


Kreisler, Fritz

Rondino on a theme by Beethoven


Tambourin chinois

Janácek, Leos

Sonata for violin and piano (Second movement)

Lalo, Édouard

Spanish Sinfonia Op. 21

Monti, Vittorio


Mozart, Wofgang Amadeus

Concerto in G major KV 216

Concerto in A major KV 219

Sonata in E minor KV 304 (First movement)

Nin-Culmell, Joaquín

From “Suite española: "Vieja Castilla"

From “Tonadas”: "Jota alicantina", "Jota extremeña"

Pärt, Arvo


Prokofieff, Sergei  

Sonata Nr.2, Op. 94

Rieding, Oskar  

Concerto in B minor Op. 35

Rutter, John

Lament for the holy city

Saint-Saëns, Camille  

Havanaise Op. 83  

Sarasate, Pablo

Aires gitanos Op. 20

Nueva fantasía sobre "Fausto" Op. 13

Schubert, Franz  

Sonatine Op. 137 Nr. 1  

Seitz, Friedrich

Concerto in G Op. 31  

Shostakovich, Dmitri  

Prelude Op. 34, Nr. 10  

Smetana, Bedřich

Violin sonata (First movement)

Tartini, Giuseppe

Sonata in G minor “Didona abbandonata”

Tchaikovsky, Piotr Illich  

Concerto in D Op. 35 (First and second movements)

"Souvenir d'un lieu cher" Op. 42 Nr. 2

Telemann, George Philipp

Concerto in G major

Vivaldi, Antonio

Concerto in A minor Op. 3, Nr. 6

“Largo” from Sonata Op. 2 Nr. 12 RV 32

“L’inverno” Op. 8 Nr. 4 RV 297

Wieniawski, Henryk



Wind quintet/sextet

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Quintet in E flat major for oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano KV 452

Poulenc, Francis

Sextet for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano


Albéniz, Isaac

“Almería”, from Suite “Iberia”

“Asturias (Leyenda)”, from “Suite Española” Op. 47

“Eritaña”, from Suite “Iberia”

“Triana”, from Suite “Iberia”

Badarzewska, Thekla

“Gebet einer Jungfrau”

Bach, Johann Sebastian

Invention in C major BWV 772

Invention in C minor BWV 773

Invention in D minor BWV 775

Invention in F major BWV 779

Invention in A minor BWV 784

Invention in Bb major BWV 785

Invention in B minor BWV 786

Italian Concerto BWV 971

Sinfonia in C major BWV 787

Sinfonia in D major BWV 789

Sinfonia in Eb major BWV 791

Sinfonia in F major BWV 794

Sinfonia in B minor BWV 801

Prelude and Fugue in D minor BWV 851

Prelude and Fugue in D major BWV 874

Prelude and Fugue in F# minor BWV 883

Prelude and Fugue in A minor BWV 889

Bartók, Béla

Three Burlesques Op. 8/c

Beethoven, Ludwig van

Concerto Nr.3 in C minor Op. 37

Sonata Op. 2, No. 1 in F minor

Sonata Op. 10, No. 1 in C minor

Sonata Op. 53 in C major

Six Variations on the Duet “Nel cor piú non mi sento” from “La Molinara” by Giovanni Paisiello, WoO 70

32 Variations in C minor WoO 80

Brahms, Johannes

Intermezzo Op. 117 Nr. 3 in C# minor

Rhapsody Op. 119 Nr 4 in Eb major

Variations Op. 9 on a theme by Robert Schumann

Chopin, Frédéric

Ballade Nr. 1 Op. 23 in G minor

Ballade Nr. 3 Op. 47 in Ab major

Nocturne Op. 9, Nr. 1 in Bb minor

Nocturne Op. 27, Nr. 2 in Db Major

Studies Op. 10, Nr. 3, 5, 6, 12

Studies Op. 25, Nr. 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Three new studies

Debussy, Claude

Etude Nr. 11 “Pour les Arpèges composes”

“Prélude”, from “Suite Bergamasque”


de Falla, Manuel

 “Aragonesa”, from “Cuatro Piezas Españolas”

Ferriz Muñoz, Antonio

“Abolengo de una raza”

García Abril, Antón


Sonatina (1954)

Haydn, Joseph

Sonata in G major, Hob. XVI: 40

Honegger, Arthur


Liszt, Franz

Consolation Nr.1 in E major

Hungarian Rhapsody Nr. 2

2 Legends: “St. Francis of Assisi: The preaching to the birds” and “St. Francis de Paola walking on the waves”

Réminiscences de “Lucia di Lammermoor”

Mozart, Wofgang Amadeus

Concerto Nr. 21 in C KV 467

Fantasia in C minor KV 475

Sonata in G major KV 189h (283)

Sonata in D major KV 284c (311)

Sonata in D major KV 576

9 Variations on a Minuet by Duport KV 573

12 Variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je Maman” KV 265

Moussorgsky, Modest

“Il vecchio castello”, from “Pictures at an exhibition”

Rachmaninoff, Sergei

Etude-Tableau Nr. 5

Musical Moments Op. 16, Nr. 1, 3, 5

Ravel, Maurice

Concerto in G

Scarlatti, Domenico

Sonata in F major, Kp 82

Schubert, Franz

Six Musical Moments D 780, Op. 94, Nr. 3, 4

Impromptu D 935, Op post. 142, Nr. 4

Soler, Anotnio

Sonata in D minor

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