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Rebekka Magomedova

Rebekka Magomedova

Professional Membership Professional


United Kingdom HA9


Tel.:+44 7470 142148 (WhatsApp)
E-mail: rebekkamagomedova@gmail.com

Additional Info:

Used to play vocal competitions and auditions for opera singers.
I’ve been a collaborative pianist for the past 20 years. My recent roles include working at the Mariinsky Theatre, serving as a resident pianist for the XVI Tchaikovsky Competition (vocal section) and Theodore Currentzis’ conducting masterclasses (2021), and serving as a coach in several YAP Programs. During my career I played numerous concerts with instruments, especially cello. I completed an assistantship-internship in chamber ensemble at the conservatory with the Tchaikovsky Trio and Franck's Sonata.

My entire life and career have been connected with Russia, which I left immediately after the onset of military actions. Since 2024, I have been living in London and starting to rebuild my career. I look forward to meeting new people and collaborating.

For more information, please visit my profile: https://operaclass.net/en/rebekkamagomedova/

Best wishes,


£ 22.00 Pounds Per Hour
£22 per hour - minimum 2 hours
£40 for 1 hour
£60 for 1.5 hours of coaching

We can rehearse at my place (HA9, Wembley Park) or at your location. In the latter case, I would ask you to also cover the cost of travel.


Piano, Harpsichord, Electronic Keyboard


Early Music, Contemporary Music, Instrumental Accompaniment, Vocal Accompaniment, Vocal Repetiteur, Musical Theatre, Ballet Accompaniment, Vocal Coaching

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